3 Steps Leader Standard Work Improves Retention

I think we can all agree that when it comes to high employee turnover, it can usually be traced to

  • a difficult category of work

  • challenging work conditions

  • poor onboarding processes

  • inexperienced or poorly trained managers

Before we dig in, let's define Leader Standard Work. Leader standard work refers to routine activities that represent the current or target best practices for leaders in managing planning and controlling organizational work processes whether in manufacturing or in cross functional value streams. Depending on the leadership tier, these routines may account from 70% of a managers time down to 20% as they move higher in the organization. If you would like more information about how Leader Standard Work can improve your organizations performance, click on the button below for a free consultation.

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Now, let's explore 3 Steps to improve employee retention using CiKATA’s Leader Standard Work.

Step 1:

Infuse shared values and expectations of both the leader and their direct reports into the Leader Standard Work framework

To accomplish this, we insert an engagement kata (routine) into the Leader Standard Work that is defined by CiKATA’s Leader Engagement Kaizen Event. This event will use CiKATA's systems mapping framework to discover relationship gaps between leaders and their direct reports.  These gaps are then targeted to be closed.  The outcome of this Kaizen Event provides input to both leader and employee standard work.


Figure 1: Engagement Map Template


Step 2:

Update the leader standard work with employee engagement solutions from the Leader Engagement Kaizen Event. 

This will connect direct reports with their direct supervisors for mentoring and improvement activities that are aligned with an employee’s goals and performance objectives.

The frequency of these activities are scheduled to assure employee’s concerns are being listened to, opportunity to grow or excel in the organization and to obtain leader feedback on a planned basis.  This approach is very similar to Toyota's Coaching Kata and replaces the common auditing of performance compliance resident in most organizations today. 

Step 3:

The new leader standard work engagement model is tested and communicated by a shared accountability model

Visual management or accountability boards are a fundamental and recommended approach to maintaining leader standard work progress and accountability.


CiKATA's leader standard work methodology features a shared accountability between leader and direct report and is evaluated daily or several times a day using visual controls such as accountability boards or KPI’s. While leader standard work is common in many industries, it can be modified to focus on key organizational challenges and objectives. Issues such as employee turnover and retention can best be addressed where the work happens or “Gemba”. The use engagement kaizen events can illuminate current employee challenges and solutions that can then be actively managed and controlled by the revised leader standard work kata. 


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