10 Things All Leaders Should Know
Leadership Practice
SWOT Your Culture for Employee Engagement
Whether you're involved in continuous improvement, operational excellence, innovation or lean six sigma, don't forget to capture the voice of the most important stakeholder in the organization - your employees.
by Anne Rhodes
My favorite and most frequently used questionnaire to capture virtually any type of feedback is what I'll refer to as a mini SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats). However, it really works well for capturing employee feedback. The mini SWOT is translated into plain English or ten questions that are easily understood whether administered virtually or in person.
Kick the tires on this one. Imagine for a moment you're having a candid conversation with one of your employees. It will grant you some needed peripheral vision around the process or organization you're trying to improve. For best results, obtain feedback from multiple leadership levels to contrast the voice of the employee.
View this article on YouTube.
The Mini SWOT Analysis
If our _____ were working perfectly, what would it look like?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate our _____ today?
What could we do to raise that by one point?
What's in place today that is helping us reach the level you described in question 1?
What is not in place?
What's getting in the way of us reaching the process you described in question 1?
What do you think we should do more of?
What do you think we should do less of?
What do you think we should keep doing?
If we could change "only one or two things" what would they be?
Remember, one of the most important working relationships in any organization is between a frontline employee and their direct supervisor or manager. Gaps found between these two stakeholders require immediate attention.
The good news is CiKATA has two very effective Kata’s or Kaizen events that can close the gap in any working relationship. This is especially true in your core value streams.