The Gemba Chronicles


Once upon a time, one of my distinguished colleagues sent a note out to the team inquiring if there were any GEMBA templates or checklists for capturing or documenting a GEMBA visit. Yes, I'm sure there are as many templates and checklists as there are reasons for going. However, I sent her my favorite approach that emulates the foundation of scientific thinking.



The actual place where value is created

A key outcome of any Gemba visit are the “FACTS”. How does one get the "FACTS"? That's simple. Go look. However, how does one put context around the Gemba visit? How do we tell the story of what we see?

My favorite approach is to "tee" it up using the scientific thinking method described here. 

Before Gemba Visit -

  • Specify the Purpose and Expectations of the Gemba visit.

  • Describe How the Gemba visit will be conducted and measured. For example, what facts will be sought and how will those facts be measured.

  • Document Key Expectations or hypothesis to be confirmed or learned during the Gemba visit.

After Gemba Visit - Capture the Following

  • What actually happened – Facts, notes, observations, diagrams, conversations, etc. (keep a virtual parking-lot for items that need to be clarified and an idea vault for potential solutions)

  • What was different between what was expected and what was actually observed?

  • What gaps, insights were discovered that were different from the hypothesis or the pre-Gemba expectations?

Next step is to package this information in a story or an A3 that can be easily understood by key stakeholders. However, if you follow these exact steps, the story is already told.

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